Last weekend, the Boyfriend and I went on an overnight trip into the countryside to attend an opera. Bahahaha! That sounds really lame..but to be honest, it wasn’t, we actually had a great time! The Boyfriend has been meaning to take me to an opera forever. Last weekend we decided we wanted to do something fun on his weekend off (he works most weekends). After a little research we found that Les Pecheurs de Perles (Pearl Fishers) was playing in Almelo, a town in the east of the country. Since we did not feel like driving for over an hour to get home afterwards, we decided to stay overnight. So we did some planning and off we went! Here I am, driving through the country side.

We had a blast, we put Petootie Pie by Ella Fitzgerald on repeat and sang along with the cheesy lyrics, LOL. I drove there without using a map and skipping the highways. It took us forever to get there but it was fun driving around and seeing nice places (it is a crazy thing we have together, we both love driving and when we have the time we prefer taking the sightseeing route to our destination because highways are just boring). Our final destination: Almelo! (get your magnifying glass and look at the blue sign).
We were staying in the most awesome B&B ever! It’s a former prison, a really old one. The owners left part of it in it’s original state, but they did an amazing job redecorating the rooms! Here is the hotel from the outside.
The inside
Our room. As you can see, they left the original black cell doors. The stairs are also original. Behind the doors they made the doors to the rooms. Each room consists of two or three former cells.
The room itself. I am not sure if it shows allright in this picture, but the whole room was grey and white, really stylish.

We strolled around time for a while after we finally arrived. We had an early dinner and then got ready for the opera. Look at my handsome guy!
Because my dress was a bit cold I wore it with a shawl on top.

The opera was pretty amazing! I really enjoy the old fashioned romantic stuff, with the exagerated reactions etcetera. The singing was really really beautiful, especially by the main female singer, wow! Too bad we were in the last row, so we could not see their facial expressions very well. But we are planning to go again in a while and book in advance so we will have better seats.
Overall, the whole experience was pretty funny. We were the youngest people there who came on their own (there were a few that joined their grandparents), the mean age dropped 10 years as soon as we entered the door. When we came inside we only saw people with grey or white hair, lol! We even spotted some walking aids bahahaha. When we walked around during the break some of them were checking us out and you could see them thinking ‘what are they doing here?’. Well, just to make clear one thing: opera is really cool and if you actually see the play on stage while they sing it all makes sense. I never understood opera when I was listening to the radio, but it is like listening to a soundtrack of a movie, without having seen the movie. And I don’t like that either!
After the show we stayed for a drink and then went to check out Almelo’s night life. It turned out to be nonexistent, lol. They had some nice bars but we were looking to dance. So in the end we decided to just go back to the hotel. But we picked up some mc donalds for the Boyfriend first, because he was hungry. How bad can it get… eating mcnuggets in bed on your romantic weekend break bahaha!
The next morning we went to a tiny village, Ootmarsum, close to Almelo. It is beautiful with lots of historical buildings, but also fun shops to look around.
we spend half the day there and then headed home, again using the touristic route with no map and no highways. The Boyfriend was surprised how well I was able to find the way home haha. I guess he thought we would end up at the other side of the country or something. We had a lot of rain on the way back, with really low visibility so it was quite challenging.
How do you spend your weekend getaways??