I know, I know! I still have not written anything about my adventures in Paris, and I promise I will do so. But first things first:
I have joined the Summer Glow Boot Camp at
http://www.ohsheglows.com/. It's a bit late, because they started three weeks ago, but I'll just read back the old post and pretend it's going on now, lol. The boot camp involves doing some exercises every other day, but also thinking a lot about your own health and lifestyle. So, somewhere this week Angela had a post on goal setting. We were supposed to set some goals for this month, using three steps. So here we go!
First step: Set the goals
1. Become rested
2. Read more books
3. Loose some body fat
Second step: terminals for each goal, how do you know you have reached the goal?
1. Be happy to get up in the morning, don't fall asleep at work, feeling energized and less moody because of exhaustion.
2. Feeling caught up in a book, looking forward to reading more and the obvious one: finishing more than 2 books a year. Maybe one a month for starters. I love reading, but I just don't make the time for it.
3. Better fitting clothes, lower hip and belly measures, stomach flatter, feeling more energized and healthy. The last two are also because this goal is part of and probably a logical consequence of my long term goal: living healthy.
Third step: how are you going to achieve these goals?
1. Change schedules. I will go home from work earlier in the day so i can write on my article at home. This will make me feel less like i'm only at home to eat, do the household and sleep. And that in turn will make it easier for me to go to bed early. I get up at 5.30 am 4 days a week, so the night prior to that I will have to be sleeping at 9.30 pm. Next week I will be working at home though, so I will have the chance to sleep some extra.
2. I want to combine this with my first goal by going to bed at 9pm so i get to read some before going to sleep. And on my days off I will try to make some time to read an hour a day instead of running around doing stuff.
3. This is a long one, because it involves two major changes.
- More cardio work outs. I actually started with this a few weeks ago, I changed one of my strenth work outs to cardio and started doing lots of abs exercises. This last thing turned out not so good :S my abs are very sore now every time i work out. So here is the schedule: monday: spinning class, tuesday: running + bootcamp exercises (usually involves abs), wednesday, body combat class, thursday: running + bootcamp exercises, friday: body pump class + zumba class. Saturday: do groceries and clean the house is enough, sunday: running and bootcamp exercises. As for the running: i am not a runner! But i am following a mp3 course Start to Run, where somebody talks you through the whole thing and you will learn to run 5k within 10 weeks. Let's hope it works out and my ankle/calf muscle wont start hurting. I think starting up easy and stretching might be the key here.
- Look at my diet: eat healthy foods and less sugars and fat. The fact that I will have to follow a wheat-free diet for the next 6 weeks will make this easier (no more cookies) but also harder (no regular bread and other whole wheat things). I did this diet before and lost a few pounds, i think because i also ate a lot less sugars. I want to eat more vegetables, so I will probably replace bread more often for salads than spelt bread. And i want to make Green Monsters! Yesterday I had my first one and it was delicious!
- become active with operation beautiful
http://www.operationbeautiful.com/ . So that i don't get caught up in a conflict with my weigth and measures just for that. It is about my health and feeling good, not about being skinny. I am not fat anyway, but if i continue growing just a little like i did over the past years i will be fat in while.
There are so many more goals I could set, because there are so many things I would like to do/accomplish! But for now the healthy part and the sleep part are very important because they have been making me miserable lately. The reading part is because i have missed that a lot. And i can always set new goals when i accomplish one, three is more than enough for now! I am excited about it and will really work on them.